The Brady Bunch is a classic American sitcom that ran from 1969 to 1974. It follows the lives of the Brady family, which consists of a man, his wife, and their combined six children. The show has become a staple of American culture, and its theme song is perhaps one of the most recognizable television tunes of all time. But what many viewers may not know is that a unique character appears in the upper right corner during the opening credits of the show.

    Introduction to the Brady Bunch

    The Brady Bunch is a classic American sitcom that aired from 1969 to 1974. It follows the lives of the Brady family, which consists of a man, his wife, and their combined six children. The show has become a staple of American culture, and its theme song is perhaps one of the most recognizable television tunes of all time. The show also spawned several spin-offs and continues to be popular today.

    Uncovering the Upper Right Corner Character

    The opening credits of The Brady Bunch feature a unique character in the upper right corner of the screen. This character is a cartoon version of the family’s pet, a beagle named Tiger. The character appears in the opening credits of every episode and is often seen running around the Brady family’s home. Tiger is a beloved member of the family and often appears in the show’s storylines. He is a loyal companion to the Brady children and often helps them to solve problems. Tiger’s cartoon version in the opening credits is a reminder of the show’s family-friendly nature and its focus on the importance of family.

    The Brady Bunch continues to be a beloved part of American culture. The show’s opening credits feature a unique character in the upper right corner of the screen that viewers may not have noticed before. This character is a cartoon version of the family’s pet, a beagle named Tiger. Tiger is a beloved member of the family and often appears in the show’s storylines. His cartoon version in the opening credits is a reminder of the show’s family-friendly nature and its focus on the importance of family.


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