A hygroma is a tumour that forms from joint fluid, usually in the area of joints or tendons. It is a soft, mobile cyst that can appear anywhere there is a joint or tendon. However, despite its benign nature, a hygroma can cause discomfort and external defect. In this blog, we will look at the main aspects of hygroma removal, from its definition and causes to the treatment procedure and aftercare.
- Understanding Hygroma:
A hygroma is formed from joint fluid that extends beyond the joint or tendon sac, forming a cyst. This can occur due to joint damage, overloading, or inflammation. - Symptoms of Hygroma:
A hygroma is usually painless, but may cause cosmetic concern because of the external bulge. Some patients may experience discomfort with movement. - Causes of Hygroma:
The main causes include trauma, joint damage, over-activity or repetitive movements in a particular area. Genetic factors may also be associated with hygroma formation. - Diagnosis:
Your doctor may perform a physical examination and additional tests such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-rays to accurately determine the size and location of the hygroma. - Conservative Treatment:
In some cases, if the hygroma is not causing discomfort, your doctor may recommend conservative treatment such as ice therapy, limiting activity and applying compression bandages. - Surgical Removal:
If the hygroma becomes large, causes pain, or creates a cosmetic defect, the doctor may recommend surgical removal. The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthetic, and involves removing the cyst and excess joint fluid. - Postoperative Care:
After hygroma removal, proper post-operative care is important. Your doctor will provide wound care recommendations, possibly the use of a compression bandage, application of ice, and limiting physical activity. - Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy:
Depending on the complexity of the surgery and the individual patient, rehabilitation and physiotherapy may be required to restore full functionality of the joint. - Prognosis and Possible Complications:
The prognosis after hygroma removal is usually favourable. However, as with any surgery, rare complications such as infection, bleeding, or recurrence may occur. - When to Seek Help:
If you have a protruding or painful mass in the joint area, see your doctor. Seeking medical attention early can help prevent further complications and provide effective treatment.
Hygromas, despite their usually benign nature, require attention and, in some cases, medical intervention. Proper diagnosis, treatment, and post-operative care can help to successfully get rid of the hygroma and restore your health. If symptoms develop, contact your doctor for a consultation and a treatment plan best suited to your individual needs.