Sales assessment tests aren’t just a hurdle to jump over. They’re a crucial part of the hiring process that allows companies to find the best fit for their culture and whose “sales DNA” matches their own.
These assessments usually require you to answer questions that are based on passages of text or graphs. They are usually timed, so be sure to practice beforehand!
Error Checking Test
Error-checking tests evaluate candidates’ ability to recognize errors in complex sets of information. They are often administered under tight time constraints and require a high concentration. Employers use these tests to measure candidates’ attention to detail and accuracy, skills essential in jobs where it is vital to maintain the quality and integrity of data.
Candidates are presented with information and asked to select the correct version from a list of alternatives. These tests are usually multiple-choice and include both numerical and letter-based answers. To ensure a good score, it is essential to eliminate as many options as possible so you can concentrate on the correct answer. Practicing under timed conditions is a great way to prepare for error-checking tests, as it will help you become accustomed to the stress of the situation. It also allows you to develop strategies to manage your time to take the test on time.
Since these tests are usually administered online, it is a good idea to practice on an updated internet browser free of popups. It will help you avoid any errors caused by the website and allow you to focus on the questions without interruptions. Moreover, it is important to practice using a question format and style similar to the one you will be tested with to familiarise yourself with the requirements of this type of aptitude test.
Verbal Reasoning Test
In sales, it is essential to be able to understand and communicate the benefits of your product. Sales assessment tests such as the error checking test can help to assess this. The test is typically based on reading passages and then asking questions about them. It is important to note that these tests assess your ability to find errors, not your spelling or vocabulary. It is also worth noting that the tests are usually timed, so it is worth practicing in advance to improve your speed and accuracy.
The verbal reasoning test is a great way to measure your comprehension and logic skills. It is a common type of psychometric test used by employers. However, it is essential to remember that your result will be compared against the average of other people who have taken the test. It means that even if you have precisely answered every question on the test correctly, your score may be lower than others who have done the same thing.
It is essential to know that this is a standardized test, and you will need help to revise it like you would for a school exam. It would help if you read about the company chatting the test as they should have information about the format and the style of questions. Trying to prepare by researching will help you avoid any surprises on the day and allow you to concentrate on answering the questions as accurately as possible.
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) are aptitude assessments that present candidates with realistic work scenarios. During the test, you’ll be asked to choose the most and least effective response options within the given scenario. Typically, you’ll be asked to rank the options as well.
These tests are often designed to be specific to the role you’re applying for, and they will describe situations that reflect real-life elements of the job in question. That makes them an excellent way to evaluate your performance in a particular role. However, SJTs can assess general competencies such as communication skills or problem-solving.
Most SJTs are administered on a computer and can use either text or videos (with actors) to create a scenario, and there are usually about 25 or 50 questions per test. Each correct answer is worth one mark.
These tests can be challenging as there is no set formula to follow. To increase your chances of scoring highly, it is essential to carefully read through the description and scenario that you presented with. Try to avoid using external knowledge or assumptions when answering. Instead, choose the option that aligns with your values and ethics.
Personality Test
Finding the right salespeople can be time-consuming if you’re a sales manager or a business owner. Reading CVs, conducting interviews, and waiting for candidates to return with their results can make the process long.
Sales assessment tests can speed up the process of screening and shortlisting. These tests help assess skills that are only sometimes apparent in a CV or an interview but are essential for success in a sales role. It is necessary when a company’s well-established team can often be confirmed in a successful sales organization.
These assessments measure personality traits, behaviors, and skills relevant to the sales position.
Some of these assessments are based on self-report, meaning that the candidate has to choose answers that they believe best describe them. It can be problematic because candidates can sometimes manipulate their responses to select the most favorable answer for their profile. It can be particularly true for dynamic questions where candidates might be tempted to choose answers they think the assessors want to hear. It can lead to a poor result.