Complex fractions are fractions that contain fractions in either the numerator, denominator, or both. Understanding how to simplify complex fractions is an important skill for anyone looking to understand mathematics and equations more deeply. In this article, we’ll walk through what a complex fraction is and how to find its equivalent expressions.
Understanding Complex Fractions
A complex fraction is a fraction that contains fractions in either the numerator, denominator, or both. For example, the fraction 3/[(2/4)+(3/4)] is a complex fraction because it has a fraction in the denominator. Complex fractions can be simplified by following the same steps used to simplify regular fractions.
The first step is to find a common denominator for the fractions in the numerator and denominator. The common denominator is the smallest number that can be divided evenly by all of the denominators. Once the common denominator is found, the fractions in the numerator and denominator can be multiplied by the same number to make them have the same denominator.
The second step is to add the numerators together and then divide the result by the common denominator. This will give you the simplified fraction.
Finding Equivalent Expressions
In order to find the equivalent expression for a complex fraction, you need to find the common denominator first. Once the common denominator is found, the fractions in the numerator and denominator can be multiplied by the same number to make them have the same denominator.
Then, you can add the numerators together and divide the result by the common denominator. This will give you the equivalent expression. For example, the fraction 3/[(2/4)+(3/4)] can be simplified to 6/4, which is the equivalent expression.
Understanding complex fractions and how to simplify them is an important skill for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of mathematics and equations. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily find the equivalent expression for any complex fraction.